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原創 高老師 較高端人類

· 夏季適量飲水,可補充人體缺水,降低血液黏稠度,但一次性飲用過多,水分會迅速入血,造成血容量增加,易加重心臟負擔,引起胸悶氣短,呼吸困難等癥狀。
· 腸易激綜合征患者,處于胃炎急性期和甚至可能有潰瘍的患者,腸胃功能不夠強大或高敏人群,以及有偏頭痛史的人群,由于身體本身對于寒冷刺激的反應比較激烈,不建議飲用冰飲,喝常溫水即可。
· 國外曾有研究證明,不同溫度的飲品對健康成年人胃部排空速度會產生影響,越冷的飲品會導致胃排空速度更慢,容易導致腹痛腹脹等腸胃道不良癥狀。
[1] R. Eccles et al. Cold pleasure. Why we like ice drinks, ice-lollies and ice cream[J]. Appetite, 2013, 71 : 357-360.
[2]LaFata, D., Carlson-Phillips, A., Sims, S.T. et al. The effect of a cold beverage during an exercise session combining both strength and energy systems development training on core temperature and markers of performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 9, 44 (2012).
[3]Lee Jason K W and Shirreffs Susan M and Maughan Ronald J. Cold drink ingestion improves exercise endurance capacity in the heat.[J]. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 2008, 40(9) : 1637-44.

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